About Me

One of the greatest things about the United States of America is it's rich history, filled with one accomplishment after another. What better way to view the past than to combine it with the present, and a twist of the future? Welcome to the Time Travel Theme Park!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dance Planet

One of our most notable attractions can be found in the “Dance Planet” of the Time Travel Theme Park.   This exciting dance planet is also known as “Roaring Nineteen Twenties”.
If you like to dance for a minute and have fun with your friends, this part of our theme park is just for you! 
In the 1920’s, people danced until they dropped, and one fell to the floor, dead! The radio became popular, and people tuned in everyday. The T.V. was not invented yet, so the radio was the next best thing. When they listened, people liked to listen to jazz, especially the king of jazz, Louis Armstrong. But, never fear people weren’t couch potatoes, sitting next to the radio. Movies were also a big hit. This decade marked the start of the sound movies. So much happened in the 1920's, this is only a fraction of it all. Since the 1920s was a time of celebration, there were many fads. People loved to dance, especially the Charleston, Fox trot, and the shimmy. Dance marathons were something everyone went to every weekend.

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